Thursday, August 29, 2024

Understanding Defamation From A Defamation Lawyer

 Defamation is a term that is used very often these days, but the fact is that defamation goes beyond just the dictionary meaning of the term. Defamation is a legal term that refers to false statements made by one person about another, which could lead to damage of their reputation. There are two categories - libel and slander and understanding the difference between these two forms is crucial for recognizing and protecting against defamatory actions.

What is libel?

Libel refers to defamatory statements that are made in a fixed and more permanent medium, such as writing, print, or online posts. This form of defamation is considered more harmful because it could possibly reach a larger audience and tends to have a more lasting presence. 

Here is an example – let’s say, someone publishes a false article or blog post that falsely accuses a person of a crime, it could severely harm their reputation, leading to loss of job opportunities, personal relationships, and social standing. This would be seen as slander and you would need a defamation lawyer to help you out in such a situation. 

What is slander?

Slander involves defamatory statements that are spoken and are only in words, not writing. Slander is generally considered less severe than libel because spoken words often have a more limited reach and are definitely a lot less permanent. However, slander can still be damaging, especially if the false statements are made in a public setting, like during a speech or on a broadcast. In such a situation, rather than hiring a litigation lawyer, you will want a defamation expert. 

Here is an example – If someone falsely accuses another person of unethical behavior during a work meeting, it could harm their professional reputation.

For a statement to be considered defamatory, whether libel or slander, it must be false, and it must have caused harm to the person’s reputation. Additionally, the person making the statement must have acted negligently or with malicious intent. 

If you are faced with any such problems, you can get in touch with Blackbay Lawyers, one of the leading litigation law firms in Sydney, which is where you can also find the best defamation lawyers. 

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